This week is my birthday week. It's been a fun past few days: bowling (see picture), movie/pizza night, dinner tonight. I'm making Chicken Marsala Masala and surprising Jeffrey with a brownie cheesecake. I'll have to post pictures. Sunday, my actual b-day, I'm having a little get together with friends (mainly church kids) and just having a cake and enjoying my day. I am wearing a pink crown, darn it. I think I'm going to wear a tiara to church. I deserve it. I am debating whether to bake my own cake or have Jeffrey purchase one (he claims one can't bake their own birthday cake).
I am feeling a lot of emotions and wish I better knew how to process and deal. It's crazy to feel sad and happy and anxious and worried and confused all at once. No wonder people go insane. I think a lot and it feels like thoughts just don't stop. Like, I really can't stop thinking...unless I engage in behaviors. I've been trying to actually figure out what and why I'm feeling what I am, but I hate not being able to fully allow myself. I hate when people I get close to leave. I am going to make a very big decision Monday, and I'm nervous for it. I feel one way and have been praying, but I don't know exactly what (if any) answers I've gotten. I think that I persuade myself too much.
School is starting next month and I'm very excited. Although changing majors four times kind of screwed me over (120+ credits and no BA), I finally found a major I'm going to stick with...Elementary Education. I am, however, sad that Culinary Arts didn't/won't work out, due to personal reasons. But cooking and baking is a hobby, and I can do it regardless. I have to take a lot of Humanities classes which feels so, I don't know, tedious. But one can't put a price on learning, eh?
Last Friday was the YSA dance. I hadn't been to a church dance since High School and I was really curious as to what to expect. Well, there was a live band and it sucked. Seriously, if one is going to play at a dance, at least play music that people will/can dance too. It was ridiculous. After they took up most of the time, better music was played, but they only did like three slow songs. How was I supposed to work on my twirl with three songs? Kendra and I had a blast! We're silly. Poor Kattie though. She was on crutches and just...couldn't really do much. It was honestly, not much different than a youth dance, which I thought was funny. Sure, the boys have gotten a lot better looking, but people still dance in their circles (which Kendra and I didn't do, thank you very much), boys still generally ask girls how to dance, and people are still very awkward and self concious. Ahh, some things never change.
Saturday is the Air Force ball. I'm super excited to get dressed up. I'm going vintage. Hat, fishnets with the seam up the back, Nine West's that look vintage and this little number...

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