Swallow, but be careful, don't drown...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Let the dust colonize (Day 3)

Today has sucked. I think I'm slowly loosing it. I am so sick of vegetables. I want a Fudge Round and peanut butter M&Ms. I literally had to lock myself in my bedroom so I didn't ransack the bare cabinets to make (yes, I elaborately thought about this) kidney beans, fried in butter, seasoned with garlic powder and salt topped with BBQ sauce and ranch dressing. Then again, I told myself if I'm going to go out of the competition, I'm going to go hardcore with everything that I have been craving: the above, plus a gigantic cinnamon roll, pasta, Double Cone Crunch ice cream, and cheese. Due to the fact that all my cravings combined would be a caloric nightmare, I'm still in. I promised myself that if I complete, I will reward myself by making me cinnamon rolls and enjoying whatever I want at Pig Out on Saturday.

I am counting down the hours (about 2) until Jeffrey gets home to provide me with a distraction from myself. I didn't plan well, apparently, because we ran out of fruit. Thankfully we're going to the Millwood Farmers Market today.

  • Breakfast: two apples baked with honey then blended
  • Snack: cucumber slices (which now, I officially hate)
  • Lunch: broccoli, green beans, and a cold leftover pork chop
  • Snack: peas. yawn.
  • Dinner: in the crock pot. Pot roast with cilantro, basil, rosemary, eggplant, potatoes, garlic, and one silly onion.


  1. Hang in there, I'm feeling the same way!!!

  2. I am with you there on the cravings.

    Do you know what time the Millwood Market runs?


A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is left.

-Marilyn Monroe


"A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous"
-Coco Chanel